A downloadable game for Windows

You are a journalist who came to interview a famous funk producer in his estate about recent odd events that were rumored to take place there. You will soon enough discover that this estate is empty and that eldritch things happened among the artists that lived there.

What happened to Lance, Dina, Lotti and Clive?

Take photos, investigate, listen to tapes and look around to understand what happened for the artists and the producer. The estate is a giant puzzle. Discover its many mysteries to be able to explore it fully.


Core team

Extended team

Voice actors

The Eldritch Funk was made in 4 months during our second year at CNAM-ENJMIN, a French video game school. This version is a vertical slice representative of what could be the full game.

We highly suggest to play with a controller, but if you still want to play with your mouse and keyboard, here are the controls:

  • WASD/ZQSD: move
  • Tab: equip/unequip the notebook
  • 1: equipe/unequip the camera
  • 2: equip/unequip the tape recorder
  • Capslock + left or right click: squint left or right eye
  • Shift + left or right click: close left or right eye
  • E: interact with objects

In the notebook :

  • Right/Left click: turn pages

With the camera:

  • Left click: take a picture
  • Right click: activate/deactivate the flash
  • F: look closely to the picture

With the recorder:

  • Left click: play/pause
  • Right click: record (can only record specific sounds in this demo)
  • F: eject the tape

With an object/picture/tape:

  • Escape: quit
  • E: read the description / play the tape

All of the controller inputs are shown in game.


TheEldritchFunk_Windows_1_0.zip 1.2 GB

Install instructions

You can play with a keyboard and mouse but the game is mostly designed to be played with a controller. The UI will show the xbox controller controls.

Development log


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I decided to try your game again, because I heard that when you change your language in the settings menu to french it could work...and it worked!! The 1 and 2 are working, and I'm so glad!! Your game is awesome I really hope you will finish it entirely!! :)


Love the game, the place feels very alive and I love all the different ways you can interact with the house. I'm a little bit stuck right now, though. I know I have to get to a certain corridor, and I think it has something to do with the sound I'm hearing at the metronome, but I'm not sure how those two are linked, or what the sound signifies. Any hints?


Thanks for your feedback. This demo is a vertical slice, a short version of what the game could become if it was developed entirely, and these two mysteries are just teasers that are sadly not resolved in the game. :)

Got it, thanks. Overall, love what's presented so far! I think the only thing I struggled with is that it wasn't clear that you could squint with the triggers. Looking forward to see the rest of it!


For the moment we did not plan to continue working on it, it was a graduation project and most of us now works full time in game studios on other commercial projects. Maybe one day 🤷‍♂️

Ah, that's unfortunate but I really enjoyed what was there. Great show from everyone involved!

The 1 and 2 are not working on the keyboard, and I can not use my controller...I like your game very much, but I can not play it because It's bugged. Please fix this as soon as possible! Have a nice day!!


It's 1 and 2 in the up of the keyboard, but i only tried with my AZERTY french keyboard, so yeah it seems it doesn't work on a QWERTY keyboard. I'll try to fix it soon.

where can i find the pc controls?


We did not implements keyboard's UI yet, but I will update the page to show them. It's tricky to control the opening of your eyes with keyboard and mouse, so we highly suggest to play with a controller.

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